Monday, 18 June 2012

1 A Son becomes a Mother's lifesaver

Bradley Mitchell, 10 receives his honarary firefighter after saving his mother
in a car crash last December. 

This morning i opened my tablet  browser and came across a news that touches me. I was like, a kid? Woaah! 10 years old. Truly a blessed family with God-send-from-above son.
 We usually heard about parents saving their child's life. But here is an inspiring story about a 10-year-old boy who saves his mother's life in a car crash by giving her a CPR which according to him , he watched from tv how people did it therefore he felt like it is very natural when doing it. The accidents which happened last year on December suffers his mother from broken neck, pelvis and ribs, with severe internal injuries was survived because of his son's brave and immediate actions. This Arizona boy is named an honarary firefighter for his heroism act. Mother was very grateful for having his son that she said, " without him, i wouldn't be here today."

Bradley, you makes every parents in the world proud.
Parents, appreciate your childs though raising them might be the hardest thing that we ever done in life. They are blessings from Above. Stop throwing infants, the society does not need to hear any awful ugly news like this anymore in our country.
Drive safely on the roads, folks. Do not text, drink and drive. Be cool while handling the steering wheel. Do not drive angry.

Proud Momma, JV


  1. nice to hear
    good post dear


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