Saturday, 29 September 2012

0 ..... Untuk Dilelong! ( For Auctions!)

What do you think of this woman above? Cantik? Cute? 

The thing here is not about how beautiful or cute she is. Dia bukan diletak untuk dilelong kerana kecantikan paras rupanya. Errrr....I wonder what's the right words to use here? Dia memang untuk dilelong . Yes, her body. Tidak menghairankan? Mengapa anda fikir sebegitu? Mungkin kerana sudah terlalu banyak kes menjual badan sendiri di dark streets and online. Mereka ini selalunya kita panggil sebagai pelacur, pelayan khidmat seks, dalam bahasa Inggeris, prostitute, call girl dan macam-macam lagi yang mungkin hanya anda yang tahu. Hahaha!

Wanita tersebut bernama Catarina Migliorini, seorang warga Brazil yang mengaku bahawa dia masih dara pada umur 20 tahun. Tidak menghairankan? Of course bagi budaya kita, sudah sememangnya dara itu dijaga untuk lelaki yang akan kita kahwini. Tetapi bagi wanita dan perempuan Brazil,rata-rata sudah hilang dara pada umur 16 tahun dan ke atas. Tidak ingin mengulas banyak tentang itu. Semua itu bergantung pada budaya, persekitaran dan ajaran agama yang diterima oleh seseorang itu.

Isu disini bukan tentang umur seorang wanita kehilangan daranya. Tetapi...WANITA INI DIKATAKAN MELELONGKAN DARANYA SECARA ONLINE. Hasil daripada lelongan ini akan disimpan untuk dirinya sendiri dan selebihnya untuk sebuah badan NGO yang akan MEMBANTU KELUARGA-KELUARGA YANG MISKIN DI SANTA CATARINA, BRAZIL UNTUK MEMBINA RUMAH! 


Bidder yang tertinggi akan berpeluang untuk melakukan this 'deed' di atas sebuah jet peribadi milik sebuah syarikat penerbitan Australia untuk sebuah rancangan berjudul, "Virgins Wanted". Semasa kejadian penting ini takes place, jet tersebut dikatakan akan terbang dari Australia ke Amerika Syarikat untuk mengelakkan tuduhan pelacuran. 

Catarina Migliorini walaubagaimanapun tidak mengaku bahawa dia seorang pelacur berikutan daripada lelongan tersebut kerana dia mengatakan bahawa perkara ini hanya dilakukan sekali dalam hidupnya.   Dia juga menyatakan bahawa dia  melakukannya untuk tujuan yang baik selain menikmati wang hasil lelongan tersebut. Adakah perbezaan nya? Pandangan anda?

 Dalam beberapa laman web yang saya telah layari, mengatakan bahawa lelongan Catarina Migliorini setakat ini telah mencapai sehingga USD 155000. Impressive and crazy at the same time. Lelongan ini akan berterusan sehingga 15 Oktober. 

Walaupun, perkara ini dilakukan dengan kerjasama syarikat penerbitan, namun , tidak akan ada sebarang rakaman video untuk perbuatan tersebut. Pemakaian kondom adalah diwajibkan. Logik la kan..siapa tahu bidder tersebut pembawa STD( kalau tidak tahu, STD ini adalah penyakit-penyakit kelamin, la.). Free-free ja dapat penyakit woooo... rancangan tersebut hanya akan cover untuk sebelum dan selepas dara saja. Ini bukan rancangan porno. Ini rancangan yang gila no 2 selepas porno. Selain itu, bidder yang menang itu tidak diperbolehkan untuk kiss, hugs, or whatever form of foreplay ya.. Mereka hanya akan terus go straight to the point. Are you following this?

Ada pihak yang meragui mengapa bidder harus percaya bahawa Catarina Migliorini ini adalah dara yang sedara daranya? Wanita ini dikatakan berjanji untuk membuat suatu ujian  untuk membuktikannya. 

Sekian untuk perkara-perkara yang pelik dan gila yang berlaku diseluruh dunia. Hahaha.. Benda ini memang berlaku. Dunia...dunia...  

Lihat betapa seseorang itu sangat terdorong sehingga gila hilang pertimbangan untuk melakukan kebajikan. Walaupun sebenarnya dia tidak pernah menyebut berapa banyak yang akan dia derma kan daripada wang lelongan tersebut. Dia juga bersikap jujur bahawa tidak semua wang tersebut akan diserahkan kepada kebajikan tetapi juga untuk dirinya sendiri.   Hmm..saya tidak dapat mengulas dari sudut moral untuk perkara seperti ini. Hanya dapat menyampaikan maklumat ..Anda pula bagaimana?

Despite the auctions, she told that she is very much a romantic person and still believe in love. Question marks, anyone?

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

0 Robert and Kristen are together again?!

I guess you heard it already.

Few months ago, we were shocked by the news of the Twilight couple broke up after photos of Kristen and Rupert Sanders steamy sessions leaked. After they broke up, Robert immediately moved out from the house they shared. ...

But now, they are reportedly moved back in! Walaaa...! Good for them. I am sure thousand of fans could finally held their breath and screams, "told ya! they're belong to each other!"
So, i want to share my opinion on this trust issues matter based on my experience. I had an on off boyfriend few years ago. Once the trust problem makes its debut, though we still happy when we were together but, everytime we fought, the issues will make its ugly appearance in the arguments. We put up to this problem up for three good shitting years ( the problem debut on our third year, so we had three happy shitting years, and another three roller coaster shitting years) , i believe not only me who work hard for the relationship but also him as well but, we just can't stand each other anymore after those years. So, we broke up for good just like we always reunited for good but to no avail. 
  Rekindling a broken relationship especially related to trust issues is no easy work. The party that was hurted must work his feeling  to forgive and trust that hurtee. The hurtee on the other side must can we say , have to cater to whatever the hurted needs from the hurtee in order to gain that trust again. If the hurted one is asking for crazy requests, sacrifices have to be made but , no promises are given. It is all depend on the hurted person's personality too. So, we do hope that Robert will be softer to Kristen though i know there are numbers of you out there thinks that she deserves a slap on her face. 
Are they moving back in yet? According to gossip sites, they do not just yet. Click here to find out more on their reconciliation. This link even said the very details on their reunion table talk. 
 LOOK OUT! There even a link that says Robert is asking Kristen's hand for marriage if she really want the relationship to work.  Wtf, do you believe that? Do you believe that Robert will think that the relationship will grow okay-er if they are married? Any sane human would know that marriage will not guarantee a peaceful relationship and may lead to worse problem if it is not from mutual desires. Of course, Robert has ever proposed to her before but, Kristen was not in hurry for it yet. So, how about now when Robert asked again, will she says 'yes' to show that she really commit to their relationship?
In case you are not reading this full entry, only browsing for some good photos, I'll make it clear that this couple is not married yet but fans are looking forward for this to happen in real life. This photo was taken in their wedding scene in Twilight Breaking Dawn.

Since i am a fan of them on and off screen, i really looking forward for their wedding. And hoped that Rupert Sanders name does not resurface everytime they had a fight after this. Fingers crossed.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

2 Revlon Photoready 3D Mascara , A Review

I love these eyelashes... thick, long and soft. Who does not want this? He he he...but these are not real lashes. Fake one.

----- Yeah, you could tell. I know, thank you.

So, my Maybelline mascara also dries off after 3 months , by daily basis applications.  Well, mascara actually do lasts up until 3 months after opening. But, that's if you really took good care of it. I mean , using it the right way.That's why i am out with my falsies on, which i really love wearing.

But, who does have the time to wear falsies every morning before going to work?  I still need a good mascara to achieve the same length and volume lashes well, maybe not but at least almost have them.

I decided to give a try on the new Revlon Photoready 3D Mascara, okay it may not that very new, i knew that it was released end of 2011. Maybe the Watson did not put on their rack anymore until anytime now. 
Simple packaging, with fat tube.

The mascara give the long eyelashes effect but not to pump up the volume as it claims to be. However, you have to put two to three coats to get the optimum effect. I know we are always being advised to put the next coat after the previous coat had dried but, to my experience , i find that this formula does not work so. I thought that i was the only one with such experience but , i ran into several make up bloggers that think the same too. Which you don't have to wait for the first coat to dry before applying the second. When you does it the advisable way, the mascara tends to clump and the eyelashes were sticking to each other. Big NO, NO. We don't want that. 

The mascara's brushes are tiny and fine and this is what makes it so effective in creating long lashes. It does swipe every fine eye lashes and extend them up.
My left eye without mascara on
My right eye after applying the mascara on. Woo hoo! I'm liking the effect it gives.
This mascara does not dry quickly but once it does, you'll feel that it is lightweight to the eyes and can last to 5. Though if you are sweating a lot in the day, there might be some flakes below the lower lashline like i had the other day as a results of running around the school for a packed schedules. 

It can be removed with make up remover easily , at least to mine, i used the Silky Girl Gentle Eye Makeup Remover. 

I strongly recommend this mascara if you are looking for length and lightweight feel on your eyelashes. The price is very reasonable too with its quality, which costs, MYR 37.90 can be found at your nearest drugstore. Happy blinking like dolly doll, girls!

0 Maybelline's Hyper Sharp Liner , A Review

Nah, i just ran out on my liquid eye liner last week so, i went to Watson to buy the new one. I planned to get the same one that i always wear, the Maybelline Line Allure Eyestudio but, instead i can't find it on the Maybelline rack the other day. 
I stumbled upon this i think that it is quite new, the Maybelline Hyper Sharp Liner. It is a liquid eyeliner too with a very sharp and thin brush with it. I've read other blogs review that it only measured 0.05mm. Now, how awesomely fine  is the tip? 

0.05mm tip
Single and double streaks.
I love the Maybelline's pencil liner but, it is quite hard to create a fine liner on the eyeliner with it, and it fades away rather quickly in humid weather. 

The Hyper Sharp Liner has a simple packaging , with gold cap and black tube. However, when you place the tube vertically (with caps down) the liquid will comes off the tube. When i first got the tube, i was putting it vertically down often when i was removing its plastic cover. So, just when i was removing the gold cap, it was like i was holding a marker pen with overloaded ink. Holy crap, my white sleep gown was stained by it!

It does says on its plastic cover that it may spilled when holding it vertically too often or too long therefore, you have to always put it horizontally unless you want the ink to drop on your cheek when you are drawing the liner to your eyes. 

This the end product when the liner landed on my tiny humble eyes....

If you like winged eye liner on your eyes, then this would be a great choice for you as it provides precision in the applications. Look how thin the line i could be making with this fine tip of liner. It so close to the lashline. The application was very easy too though, sometimes i had pretty shaky hands when applying liquid liner. The brush was absolutely soft and glide easily on the lashline.

I like to extend the wing at the corner of my eyes to the lower lash line. A bit extended down only. The fine soft brush makes this easier for me to perform.

It actually does last a day in your work. So, you wouldn't have to worry that your eyeliner falls off your cheek, flakes to be exact. It lasts as long as you don't rub it off. So, if you feel like your eyes gets itchy during the day, get your mirror and scratch your way down in aware of your eye make ups. (But, we are never allowed to rub our eyes. Bad for ya.) Because i don't think that you always had your make up kits along with you all the time, right? So, you will have less  chance to re apply or correct your make up in the toilet. Seriously , it waste lots of my time working or i might miss the most interesting scene in a movie for correcting my eyeliner!

That's my review for today. Ha ha if i'm doing this on the regular basis. (Blushed cheek) But, i try to if i get some new products for my make up kits.

So, what's your favorite eyeliner?


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