Tuesday, 24 April 2012

2 Tindakon Dazang, Misompuru, Kudat- Let the good times rolled

Last week, i joined a camping of Police Cadet for Pitas and Kota Marudu district level held at Misompuru Homestay, Kudat. Well at least that's the place we were told we were going in. but actually, we were not exactly at Misompuru , we only passed it. The camping actually took place at Tindakon Dazang Beach Resort. To those who never heard of this place, it's near Sikuati Kudat. The sand are white, the sea is the most beautiful blue  i have ever see. I have to admit that North Sabah possessed many of most beautiful beaches in Sabah. This might be the second most beautiful beach in Kudat after Tips of Borneo. It takes about 1 hour to get here from Kota Marudu town. The road to this beach is not fully tarred. You have to drive a four-wheel cars or else , get ready for giant potholes along the way. Tarred road is only half way to reach the beach. The rest is grabled and as you are getting nearer, the road is getting narrower which you have to drive through the 'baby' oil palm trees. these roads are no more grabled but dirt road. after the grueling journeys (if you are driving sedan), your broken hearted for your car will be mend with the breathtaking views.  Is it free to get to this beach? Other than transportations, yes, you will be charged MYR 2 for adults and MYR 1 for kids under 12 year old. With that entrance fees, you can go fishing at the rocks which beautifully carved by the sea waves for years or decades and have picnics with whoever you are bringing with you here. I can guarantee you that you will enjoy it! If you are not bothered to bring foods from outside, don't fret. There is  a bamboo built restaurant here where you can enjoy seafood here while enjoying the beach views and yeah , there is a swamp river too at the back of the restaurant.
It seems i havethis photo from my tab. this the view of retaurant from the longhouse. Not bad, hay?

View from the front of the restaurant

View from the hill to the beach at the back of the longhouse

This photo might not be relevant at all. It is one of my favorite sandcastle that a group built . There was a competition, and i think that this castle won

Besides fishing, you can also go kayaking here through the swamp river or you may choose to the sea. I am not sure of the fees but i think it's quite reasonable because a number of students did go kayaking during their free time on the camping. Too bad, whenever there is free time, i went back to the longhouse to nap. I went there for camping, but i end up staying in the longhouse because of few reasons. Uhh, talk about the longhouse? you must be wondering.Yeah, i mentioned 'homestay' , there is a homestay, a longhouse.For  your information, the longhouse is not the Misompuru Homestay but Tindakon Dazang Beach Longhouse Resort.  Built from jungle woods, bamboo, nipah, and wood pulp. i am sorry, i did not have photos of this longhouse as well as the restaurant. my camera was flat on the second day, plus i have no intention of blogging about this place at first but when i came back , i change my mind. Back to the longhouse, it is very refreshing that this house has natural air-conditioner since its wall are made from cuts of  bamboo which is arranged separately from each other. this makes the air go in and out through the wall. you won't even gonna find the window. I remember sergent Harris told us that a newly married couple cannot stay in this homestay. People will peek you when you make love! I am not sure of how far is the truth about this, but we all laugh about the jokes. But yeah, don't mind about it, we are here for the holiday so enjoy while it lasts.
She was one of the camp commandant. At a beautiful rock shaped by the wind and waves to a  horned  whale's head

Let the good times rolled. Uh, me is the one who jumped the highest :)

Those who wish to stay, there is electricity supplied and tap water. but be ready to gargle salt water from the tap. it seemed impossible to get fresh water  here because well, you'll find out. and also, do not expect to find toilet in the longhouse. the concrete made toilet is located fonly few metres away from the house,so do not worry. y ou will also have your shower here if you do not wish to sleep off the sea water you have swimming into. All in all, everything is clean because there is staff who will clean the toilet time to time.

Make some time to visit this place if you are heading north Sabah. It'll worth it. Enjoy!



  1. that place is so cool. thanks for de information =)

  2. hello there,

    thanks for blogging about this place. i was there ever since this place not even open for public. time goes by and there are some changes have been made especially the long house and the road. the road going to the village is already tarred but unfortunately the narrow road through the palm oil to the beach is not tarred yet, thats quite comfortable for people to drive here..huhu..and then for the long house, the wall and the door is already covered so people cant peek anymore :)Thanks again.

    TDB lover :)


Thank you for all your response. I really appreciate them. Have a nice day ahead!


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